Index of indicators
African Development Bank, net resource flows from 6.11, 6.12
arable land 4.5
· food aid 4.4
· imports 4.4
· production 4.4
farm machinery 4.5
fertilizer consumption 4.5
food production index 4.3
irrigated land 4.5
labor force 4.5
livestock production index 4.3
roots and tubers, production of 4.4
Agriculture value added
annual growth of 4.1
production index 4.3
as share of GDP 1.3, 4.2
total 4.3
appropriations by DAC countries 6.7
food—See Agriculture, cereals
net aid from DAC countries
· distribution of, by recipient 6.9
· total, by recipient 6.9
net multilateral concessional flows
from international financial institutions 6.11, 6.12
· total 6.11
· from United Nations agencies 6.11
official development assistance (ODA), financial terms of
· grants as share of total ODA 6.8
· loan terms 6.8
· untied aid as share of total ODA 6.8
official development assistance and official aid from DAC countries
· annual average change in volume 6.7
· by type 6.6
· per capita of donor country 6.7
· as share of GNP 6.7
· total 6.6, 6.7
by recipient
· aid dependency ratios 6.10
· per capita 6.10
· total 6.10
Air pollution—See Pollution
Air transport
aircraft departures 5.12
freight 5.12
passengers carried 5.12

Asian Development Bank, net resource flows from 6.11, 6.12

Balance of payments
current account balance 4.21
errors and omissions 4.22
goods and services—See Exports, goods and services
gross international reserves 4.22
net capital account 4.22
net current transfers 4.21
net direct and portfolio investment 4.22
net income 4.21
net other investments 4.22
net workers’ remittances 4.21
reserves and related items 4.22
Biological diversity
profile, date prepared, by country 3.9
species 3.2
threatened species 3.2
Birds—See Biological diversity
Birth rate, crude 2.2
Births attended by health staff 2.12
Birthweight, low 2.13

Capital expenditures, central government 4.18
Carbon dioxide emissions 3.5
Commission of the European Communities, net concessional flows from 6.11
Commodity prices and price indexes 6.5
Computers, personal 5.14
Conservation strategy, national, year adopted 3.9
distribution of—See Income distribution
government, general
by recipient
· annual growth of 4.13
· as share of GDP 4.12
· annual growth of 4.13
· per capita, annual growth of 4.13
· as share of GDP 4.12
· total 4.13
· See also Purchasing power parity
Contraceptive prevalence rate 2.2
Credit, domestic
from banking sector 5.10
to private sector 5.1
to state-owned enterprises 5.4
Credit rating, country 5.9, 6.1
Current account balance
as share of GDP 4.15
total 4.21
See also Balance of payments

DAC (Development Assistance Committee) of the OECD—See Aid
Death rate
crude 2.2
See also Mortality rate
Debt, external
debt service, total 4.24
IMF credit, use of 4.23
long-term 4.23
present value 4.15, 4.24
private nonguaranteed
· as share of external debt 5.1
· total 4.23
public and publicly guaranteed
· debt service 4.24
· IBRD loans and IDA credits 4.23
state-owned enterprises, obligations of 5.4
Deforestation 3.1
Distribution of income or consumption—See Income distribution

age efficiency ratio, by level 2.8
· expected years of schooling, male and female 2.9
· percentage of cohort reaching grade 4, male and female 2.9
· progression to secondary school, male and female 2.9
enrollment ratio, gross
· by level 2.8
· primary, male and female 1.2
primary level
· duration 2.7
· pupil-teacher ratio 2.7
· starting age 2.7
public spending on, by level 2.7
pupils, percentage female, by level 2.10
spending on teaching materials, by level 2.7
teachers, percentage female, by level 2.10
distribution losses 5.11
· annual growth of 3.4
· per capita 3.4
· total 5.11
employees, male and female 2.4
employers and own-account workers, male and female 2.4
in state-owned enterprises 5.4
unpaid family workers, male and female 2.4
Endangered species
trade in, frequency of reporting 3.9
See also Biological diversity, threatened species
efficiency 3.5
emissions—See Pollution
imports, net 3.5
production, commercial 3.4
· use
· commercial 3.4
traditional fuels 3.4
See also Electricity
Entry and exit regulations
freedom of entry 5.9
of capital 5.9
of income 5.9
Environmental profile, date prepared, by country 3.9
Euromoney country creditworthiness rating 5.9
Exchange rates
official, local currency units to U.S. dollars 5.5
ratio of official to parallel 5.5
real effective 4.15, 5.5
goods and services
· as share of GDP 4.12
· total 4.21
· annual growth of 4.7
· high technology 5.13
· from high-income OECD countries
·• by product 6.3
·• by region 6.2
nominal growth of
· annual average 5.7
· from export diversification 5.7
· from market share 5.7
· from world demand 5.7|
structure of 4.8
total 4.8
· structure of 4.10
· total 4.10

Fax machines 5.14
Fertility rate, total 1.1, 2.2
Financial depth and efficiency—See Liquidity; Monetary indicators
Financial flows, net
from DAC countries
official flows 6.6
private flows 6.6
total 6.6
See also Aid, official development assistance and official aid
Financial resources, net flows from international financial institutions 6.12
Foreign direct investment, net—See Investment
Forest area 3.1
annual withdrawal
· for agriculture 3.3
· for domestic use 3.3
· for industry 3.3
· as share of total resources 3.3
· volume of 3.3
resources per capita 3.3

Gender differences
in education 1.1, 1.2, 2.9, 2.10
in employment 1.2, 2.3, 2.4
in life expectancy 1.2, 2.14
in mortality 2.14
in population 1.2, 2.1, 2.2
Gini index 2.6
Goods and services, expenditures on, central government 4.18
Government, central
· debt as share of GDP 4.16
· interest as share of current revenue 4.16
· interest as share of total expenditures 4.18
· on defense 4.18
· by economic type 4.18
·· as share of GDP 5.1
·· total 4.16
· from abroad 4.16
· domestic 4.16
fiscal deficit 4.15, 4.16
revenues, as share of GDP 1.3
revenues, current
· nontax 4.17
· tax 4.17
· total 4.16
Gross domestic investment (GDI)
annual growth of 4.13
as share of GDP 1.3, 4.12, 4.15
Gross domestic product (GDP)
annual growth of 4.1
implicit deflator—See Prices
total 4.2
Gross domestic savings (GDS) 4.15
Gross national product (GNP) per capita
annual growth of, 1970–95 1.3
purchasing power parity 1.1
in U.S. dollars, 1995 1.1

Health, risk factors 2.13
Health care
hospital bed, population per 2.11
nurse, population per 2.11
physician, population per 2.11
population share with access to 2.12
See also Mortality rate
Health expenditure
private 2.11
public 2.11
total 2.11
HIV-1 adult seroprevalence 2.13
Hospital beds—See Health care

Illiteracy rate, adult, male and female 1.1
Immunization, child
DPT 2.12
measles 2.12
goods and services
energy 3.5
as share of GDP 4.12
total 4.21
annual growth of 4.7
cereals—See Agriculture, cereals
of high-income OECD countries
by product 6.3
by region 6.2
structure of 4.9
total 4.9
See also Tariffs
structure of 4.11
total 4.11
Income distribution 2.5
Industry value added
annual growth of 4.1
as share of GDP 4.2
Inflation—See Prices
Institutional Investor credit rating 5.9, 6.1
Integration, global economic, indicators of
credit rating 6.1
foreign direct investment as share of PPP GDP 6.1
manufacturing share of exports 6.1
real trade as share of GDP 6.1
Inter-American Development Bank, net resource flows from 6.11, 6.12
Interest payments, central government 4.18
Interest rates
deposit 5.5
lending 5.5
real 4.15, 5.5
spread between lending and deposit rates 5.10
spread over LIBOR 5.10
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, net resource flows from 6.12
International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) composite risk rating 5.9
International Development Association, net resource flows from 6.11, 6.12
International Monetary Fund, net resource flows from 6.11, 6.12
Internet hosts 5.14
entry and exit regulations—See Entry and exit regulations
foreign direct
· as share of gross domestic investment 5.1
· as share of gross domestic product 5.1
· as share of PPP GDP—See Integration, global economic, indicators of
· total 5.2
· bonds 5.2
· equity 5.2
· private 5.1
by state-owned enterprises 5.4
See also Gross domestic investment (GDI)

Labor force
agricultural 1.3, 4.5
annual growth of 2.3
children 10–14 2.3
female 1.2, 2.3
total 2.3
See also Migration
Land area
· per capita 4.5
· percentage irrigated 4.5
· share of total 3.1
total 3.1
Land use, by type 3.1
Life expectancy at birth, male and female 1.2, 2.14
liquid liabilities 5.10
quasi-liquid liabilities 5.10
See also Monetary indicators; Money; Seignorage

Macroeconomic indicators 4.15
Malnutrition in children under five 2.13
Mammals—See Biological diversity
Manufacturing value added
annual growth of 4.1
by product 4.6
as share of GDP 4.2
total 4.6
foreign labor force in OECD countries
participation rate 6.13
share of labor force 6.13
foreign population in OECD countries 6.13
Monetary indicators
claims on governments and other public entities 4.19
claims on private sector 4.19
net domestic credit 4.19
net foreign assets 4.19
velocity of money and quasi money 4.19
and quasi money (M2)
· annual growth of 4.15, 4.19
· as share of GDP 1.3
See also Seignorage
Moody’s sovereign long-term debt rating 5.9
Mortality rate
adult, male and female 2.14
by cause
· accidents and injuries 2.14
· communicable disease 2.14
· noncommunicable disease 2.14
for children under five 2.14
infant 1.1, 2.14
maternal 2.14
See also Traffic

Nationally protected areas—See Protected areas
Newspapers, daily 5.14
Nontariff barriers
for all products 5.6
for manufactured goods 5.6
for primary products 5.6
Nurses—See Health care

Official aid—See Aid
Official development assistance—See Aid

Physicians—See Health care
Plants, higher—See Biological diversity
sulfur dioxide, selected cities 3.8
suspended particulate matter, selected cities 3.8
age dependency ratio 2.1
age groups
· 15–64 2.3
· 60 and above 2.1
annual growth of 2.1
· rural 3.1
· total 1.1
momentum 2.2
sex ratio
· women per 100 men 1.2
· women per 100 men, aged 60 and above 2.1
total 2.1
· annual growth of 3.6
· in largest city 3.6
· as share of total population 3.6
· total 3.6
· in urban agglomerations 3.6
See also Migration
international poverty line
· population below $1 a day 1.1, 2.5
· poverty gap index 2.5
· survey year 2.5
national poverty line
· survey year 2.5
· by urban and rural location 2.5
Power—See Electricity
agricultural producer
· maize 5.5
· wheat 5.5
commodity, and price indexes 6.5
consumer, annual growth of 4.20
food, annual growth of 4.20
GDP deflator, annual growth of 4.15, 4.20
wholesale, annual growth of 4.20
Private capital flows
bank and trade-related lending 5.2
foreign direct investment 5.2
from DAC countries 6.6
net 5.2
portfolio investment
· bonds 5.2
· equity 5.2
See also Investment
Protected areas
as share of total land area 3.2
size of 3.2
Purchasing power parity
conversion factor 5.5
GNP per capita 1.1
household expenditures by category 4.14
private consumption per capita 4.14

Quality of life indicators 1.1

Radio sets 5.14
goods transported 5.12
rail traffic 5.12
Research and development
expenditures on 5.13
scientists and engineers in 5.13
technicians in 5.13
Reserves, gross international
months of import coverage 4.15
See also Balance of payments
goods transported by 5.12
normalized road index 5.12
paved 5.12
traffic 3.7
Royalty and license fees
payments 5.13
receipts 5.13

Safe water, population with access to
rural 3.3
as share of total 2.12
urban 3.3
Sanitation, population with access to
as share of total 1.1, 2.12
urban 3.6
Savings—See Gross domestic savings
Schooling—See Education
Seignorage 4.15
Services value added
annual growth of 4.1
as share of GDP 4.2
Standard & Poor’s sovereign long-term debt rating 5.9
State-owned enterprises
economic activity of 5.4
employment by 5.4
external debt obligations of 5.4
gross domestic credit held by 5.4
gross domestic investment by 5.4
net financial flows from government to 5.4
overall balance of, before transfers 5.4
proceeds from privatization of 5.4
Stock markets
IFC Global Index, price-earnings ratio 5.3
listed domestic companies 5.3
market capitalization
· as share of GDP 5.3
· total 5.3
turnover ratio 5.3
value traded 5.3
Structural transformation indicators 1.3
Subsidies and other current transfers, central government 4.18
Sulfur dioxide emissions—See Pollution
Suspended particulate matter—See Pollution

for all products
· coefficient of variation 5.6
· mean tariff 5.6
for manufactured goods
· coefficient of variation 5.6
· mean tariff 5.6
for primary products
· coefficient of variation 5.6
· mean tariff 5.6
Uruguay Round reductions in
· by high-income economies, by product 6.4
· by selected low- and middle-income economies, by product 6.4
Taxes and tax policies
· on exports 5.8
· on imports 5.8
goods and services, domestic 5.8
highest marginal rate
· corporate 5.8
· individual
·• on income exceeding 5.8
·• rate 5.8
income, profits, and capital gains 5.8
tax revenue 5.8
Technology—See Computers, personal; Exports, high technology;
Fax machines; Internet hosts; Research and development;
Telecommunications, international
average price per three-minute call 5.11
outgoing traffic 5.11
· in largest city 5.11
· per 1,000 people 5.11
· waiting time for, in years 5.11
mobile 5.14
Terms of trade
income 4.7
net barter 4.7
Threatened species—See Biological diversity
Tobacco consumption 2.13
goods and services as share of GDP 1.3
policies—See Tariffs
real, as share of GDP 6.1
See also Balance of payments; Exports; Imports;
Integration; Nontariff barriers
accidents, people injured or killed by 3.7
See also Roads
Treaties, participation in
CFC control 3.9
climate change 3.9
Law of the Sea 3.9
ozone layer 3.9
TV sets 5.14

United Nations, net concessional flows from 6.11
United Nations Children’s Fund, net concessional flows from 6.11
United Nations Development Programme, net concessional flows from 6.11
United Nations Population Fund, net concessional flows from 6.11
Urbanization—See Population, urban 3.6
Uruguay Round—See Tariffs

Value added
in agriculture 1.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
in industry 4.1, 4.2
in manufacturing 4.1, 4.2
in services 4.1, 4.2
per 1,000 people 3.7
per kilometer of road 3.7
See also Roads

Wages and salaries, central government 4.18
Water—See Freshwater
World Bank—See International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
World Food Programme, net concessional flows from 6.11
References are to table numbers.
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